Weekend news

Ok I haven't blogging since a week ago.... but forgive me please I've been in final exams and everything is a mess: my room, my desk, my bathroom; actually, my life is a mess too... BUT, I don't want to fill u with those things. Instead, I'll tell you that this weekend was really intense? hard?, uhmm... full of things to do; my friends and I organized a party in order to save some money; and I think we did it well, because the party ended at 6am; of course I'm exhausted.

I liked this type of drawings but not too much, I mean, they're too girlies...


My lips are kind of dried it is said that is because it's freezing here and I don't drink too much water...

mood: Kind of tired
audio: La Prohibida - Amor eléctrico (electric love)
extra: I like having friends older than me
funfact: I didn't take a bath today.




Road trip road life

Somebody told me -afterwards i read it in somewhere-:

"On the road of life there are passengers, and there are drivers"
mood: wantapartynow
audio: a classmate whispering at me
extra: I will spend my weekend with one of my best friend
funfact: We have holiday on monday weee!





-Órale eso es un pez beta ¿no?
-Sips, se llama "Clara"
-Ah que chido, pero ¿cómo sabes si es macho o hembra?
-Fácil, si es bato, es macho y si es beta es hembra.
Chiste auspiciado por The Black Circus Co.

mood: simple
audio: Tri-Triste canción de amor
extra: Solo desayuné un yogurt
funfact: My green sneakers shoelaces are always undone sniff. BUT I found a site where they teach you how to tie your shoelaces in funny ways.... right....





The last week I printed some pics I used to have in mi PC (only the ones I want to touch, feel and remember again). How fun is when you make alive moments you forgot.

Pictures were made for people who used to forget what life is about

That is why i always take pics, coz i don't want to

mood: wannagotothemoviesmood
audio: Lonely, Dear-I'm John (yeah, the one from I'm not)
extra: My toes are freezing
funfact: I hate beans





I'm back

Bueno, once días nada más, se está aquí para pasarla bien y eso vamos a hacer

Regreso con la participacion dentro de la Campaña de Miedo que se inició en Koala-net aunque la mía es muy a mi manera... en fin, gusto de estar aquí de nuevo

mood: Desvelado
audio:The get up kids - I'm a loner dottie, a rebel
extra: Quero dormir a madres
funfact: I love funfacts




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